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In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has released its 2018 list for the Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs). The total number of G-SIBs decreases to 29 (from 30). The three key changes versus the prior list are: i) one bank in (BPCE); ii) two outs (Nordea and RBS) and iii) two banks shift to a lower bucket (Bank of …

There are three main changes versus the previous list: RBC enters in the 1% bucket and Groupe BPCE exits the list. Bank of China and China Construction Bank rise from the 1% to the 1.5 % bucket. Citigroup falls from the 2.5% to the 2% bucket; BNP Paribas from the 2% to the 1.5% and Credit Suisse from the 1.5% to the 1%.

Reflection on the future of the Economic and Monetary Union. Reviewing the G-SIBs framework. Improving the supervisory regime. Assessment of the regulatory framework. CMU mid-term revision. US Treasury report. Fostering financial innovation and…

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has updated its 2016 list for the Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs). The thirty designated entities are the same of the previous year and there are seven main changes

This month we focus on: regulatory stance from Antalya’s G20 Summit, TLAC requirements, no last-minute surprises, a European framework for covered bonds, the European Deposit Insurance Scheme, Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ILA…

On July 20 the Federal Reserve (Fed) released the final rule for identifying global systemically important bank holding companies (G-SIBs) that operate in the United States and the methodology for estimating the risk-based capital surcharge they will be subject to beginning January 2016.

After one year of intense debate in the financial community, on 9 November the Financial Stability Board (FSB) published its final standards on the Total Loss Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) requirements for global systemically important banks “G-SIBs” and the findings of the Quantitative Impact Study (QIS) conducted by the FSB .…