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Mexico, Canada and US have reached an agreement to renew the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) entered into 25 years ago and which president Donald Trump promised to renegotiate during his electoral campaign. It's important to remember that an understanding had already been reached in December of last year.

We now know the content of the new North American free trade agreement, to be known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA. The three countries’ negotiating teams announced details on Sunday, just minutes before the deadline for the Trump administration to submit it to Congress.

Tensions between the US and North Korea remained contained as both parties. However, US-China relations worsened as both countries imposed new tariffs. The US and Canada achieved a new trade deal including Mexico to replace NAFTA. Turkey and R…

At the end of August Mexico and the US announced a preliminary agreement intended to replace the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) signed in 1994. The most significant changes in the agreement announced are centred on the automotive se…

On 27 August, Mexico and the US announced that they had reached an understanding allowing them to sign a trade agreement to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Although we are still awaiting the final text in order to offer…

Not a bad deal considering the circumstances. With the information available, we think it is a less favourable agreement than NAFTA itself, but better than the alternative. Mexico will remain competitive in the production and export of vehicles. On the positive side, the energy sector is part of the agreement; this reduces …

The U.S. and Mexico announced a preliminary bilateral trade agreement replacing NAFTA at the end of the month. The bilateral deal between the US and Canada is still uncertain. President Trump also warned that a withdrawal from the World Trade Organization (WTO) could also be possible. MENA region remains as the main hot spo…

The presidents of Mexico and the US have announced a preliminary bilateral commercial agreement. If congresses in each country approve it, this accord will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that has been in place since 199…

The brief history of Trump’s protectionism has been an eventful one. In the first year of his term the US focused on the renegotiation of NAFTA, which is currently on hold. In his second year concentrated efforts above all on measures and threa…

Latin America has not been spared from the onslaught of the process of monetary normalisation in the developed countries in recent months (especially by the Fed). Worldwide risk aversion is on the increase and capital flows which had earlier ch…

By means of the media data (GDELT), we can monitor both the coverage and tone of NAFTA considering the main sources of information by country (US, Canada and Mexico). Media coverage increased at key moments during the NAFTA renegotiation process since President Trump’s victory.

Over the past two years movements in the peso’s rate of exchange against the dollar have tended to follow more than anything the prospects for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and trade relations between Mexico and the United States in general.