Andres Felipe Medina Grass
Andres Felipe Medina Grass
BBVA Research - Senior Economist

Andrés Felipe Works as a Senior Economist at BBVA research. He manages macroeconomic  topics such as External sector, labor market and so on.

Andrés Felipe possess a degree in economics from Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Bogotá and is currently studing a Master in economics and Economic development in the same University.

His labor experience relates to private sector, Colombia´s central bank and Departamento Nacional de Planeación. In the Latter, he contributed in the methodologic hardening of a Public spend evaluation tool.

Latest publications

The labor market in May showed a gender gap in the national unemployment rate of 3.1 percentage points, the lowest since 2010, highlighting an advance in gender equity in Colombia.
In May, the national unemployment rate stood at 10.3%, 0.2 pps lower than a year ago. Employment grew by 463 thousand new employees. The gender gap in unemployment was the lowest since 2010. The arts, construction, food services and public administration sectors led job creation.
Colombia's economic growth will begin to accelerate gradually during the second half of the year. Domestic demand is expected to consolidate by 2025. Growth is projected at 1.8% in 2024 and 2.8% in 2025. Inflation will continue to decrease, enabling the Central Bank to expedite rate cuts from the end of the year.