Juan Rubio
Juan Rubio
Emory University, CEPR and Federal Reserve of Atlanta - External partner

Juan Rubio is currently BBVA Research collaborator since 2012. At the same time, he is Charles Howard Candler Professor at Emory University, in Georgia, where he works as a professor in the Economics Department.

Previously, he was Professor of Duke University and FEDEA, and Visiting Scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (FRB) , Philadelphia and St. Louis. He has also developed several Research Grants at the National Science Foundation and the University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute.

At the same time he has authored several publications on Academic Journal, as "American Economic Review", "Review of Economic Studies", "Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control" or "IMF Economic Review"; as well as working papers and other economic publications.

Juan Rubio has a B.A in Economics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Furthermore, he obtained a M.Sc. in Economics and Finance from CEMFI and a Pdh in Economics from the University of Minnesota.

Latest publications

This paper evaluates the macroeconomic effects of taxes on banking in a small open economy in a currency union for three tax alternatives: an additional tax on profits, on deposits, and on loans. We propose a DSGE model with a rich detail of taxes and a banking sector and show that these three taxes are equivalent in their effects on macroeconomic variables.
Tax increases in the banking sector have been the subject of intense debate since the start of the international financial crisis in 2007. This Observatory evaluates the effects of taxes on banking in Spain within three different alternatives: an additional tax on profits, on deposits and on the volume of loans.
We present a new Bayesian DSGE model with a banking sector for the Spanish economy, designed to evaluate structural reforms and to decompose the main macroeconomic aggregates into structural shocks. Our analysis highlights the fundamental role of financial conditions during the Great Recession and the subsequent recovery of the Spanish economy.