Sirenia Vázquez
Sirenia Vázquez
BBVA Research - Principal Economist

Sirenia Vázquez is Principal Economist, member of the Big Data team at BBVA Research. Her research mainly focuses in using large databases to study social, macroeconomic, financial, regional and sectorial issues related to the Spanish and Global economy.

She has worked in BBVA Research since 2013, when she joined the Mexican unit. In 2019 she moved to the BBVA Research team based in Madrid.

She has wide experience working in both public and private sectors. Before joining BBVA Research she worked as Director of Economic Studies at the National Banking and Securities Commission in Mexico (CNBV), and previously held different research positions in private and public financial institutions and in the Ministry of Social Development in Mexico.

She has a degree in Economics from Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), and a Master in Risk Management from Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). She is a certified Data Scientist from Universidad de Navarra.

Latest publications

Excluding positive seasonality, both employment (0.4% QoQ) and hours worked (0.5% QoQ) increased, but at a slower pace than Social Security affiliation (0.8% QoQ). Additionally, both the temporary employment rate and the unemployment rate dropped (to 15.9% and 11.6%, respectively).
Joint project with the IMF to analyze the evolution of e-commerce in Spain during and after Covid. The secular positive trend in e-commerce is well alive. The pandemic's boost was temporary with a moderating trend once the restrictions were lifted. Significant heterogeneity by individuals and categories of consumption
Media is a relevant source of information for households to form their inflation expectations. We identified salient products from CPI basket and built a high frequency news based indicator (GDELT) to monitor the volume of news about “salient” goods prices by geography.