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    Published on Monday, June 23, 2014 | Updated on Wednesday, January 14, 2015

    New payments and contributions in the institutional context of the Banking Union


    The Banking Union requires financial institutions to support the administrative cost of the new institutions and finance the new resolution fund. Current regulatory debate is focused on how to define a methodology to compute these new payments and charge them to banks. For banks this new reality implies new costs, however even if in the short run the profits of the European banking system may be affected, in the long run the benefits of a robust banking union will clearly overcome the financial costs.




    José Carlos Pardo
    Victoria Santillana BBVA Regulation - Regulation Senior Manager
    María del Pilar Mirat
    Matías Viola

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    20140623_New Payments & Constributions in the BU

    English - June 23, 2014

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