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Uruguay will be affected by the combination of an intense, but transitory, negative shock of external demand and a brake on domestic activity resulting from voluntary confinement arranged to avoid massive contagion. In this context, activity will contract by 3.1% in 2020.

According to the information available, 4Q17 Portuguese GDP grew at 0.4% QoQ, SWDA, a similar rate to that seen in 3Q17. This would be consistent with the latest BBVA Research scenario for Portugal (+2.6% in 2017 and +2.3% in 2018).

Industrial production growth was up to 10%, from 2Q’s 4.6%. Adding up to the previous year’s contraction our monthly GDP indicator (GBTRGDPY Index at Bloomberg) nowcasts 7.9% yoy (94% info) growth for 3Q. Our models suggest strong growth patter…

Economic activity increased in 47 states, and declined in AK, DE and WV. Stronger global growth, a rebound in the mining sector and increased trade activity supporting regional growth. Florida and Texas to face headwinds from hurricanes Irma an…

Industrial production in July grew by 14.5% yoy (cal.adj.). Our monthly GDP indicator (GBTRGDPY index at Bloomberg) nowcasts 5.1% GDP growth for 2Q and hints even higher performance for 3Q. Considering also an acceleration in 3Q with both base …

The recovery of the Spanish economy continued in the fourth quarter. The estimates show a quarterly GDP growth (QoQ) of 0.8%, a figure similar to that recorded in the last year and a half. Thus, 2016 would close with an annual average growth of around 3.3%, which will lead to a deceleration of activity to around 2.5% in 201…

The recovery of the Spanish economy continued during the third quarter. It is estimated that GDP growth (QoQ) may be been between 0.7% and 0.8% in 3Q16. Thus, forecasts included in the BBVA Research scenario remain unchanged (3.1% for 2016 y 2.3% for 2017), but the valuation regarding downside risks for next year remains …

Despite agents' expectations remaining positive, a negative adjustment in the components of both industry and consumer confidence is observed in January: the two indicators reduced their gap in regards to pre-crisis averages.

The agents' expectations are positive and show a widespread optimism in all components of both industrial and consumer confidence. Both indicators widened the gap with pre-crisis average and, in the case of consumers, the historical maximum has…