
Baby Boomers

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After a long working life, in the collective imaginary is to retire with dignity and move to a quiet place and with good weather: sun, sea, beach, etc. Not everyone will achieve this idyllic dream, but there are a group of people who are doing it: the Baby Boomer retirement migrants.

In 2020, there were 35,046 Baby Boomer retirement migrants residing in Mexico. More than half are from the U.S., followed by Spain and Canada, 3 out of 5 are men, 4 out of 5 are between 60 and 79 years old, more than half have bachelor's, specialty, master’s, or doctoral studies.

Baby Boomers present greatest mobile banking growth, spending power, and asset ownership in the short-to-medium term. Given inefficiencies of Social Security program and high debt, retirement planning technology is attractive to Boomers. Compan…