
Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive

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Today it has been published in the BOE the transposition of the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) in Spain (Ley 11/2015 de recuperación y resolución de entidades de crédito y empresas de servicios de inversión) approved by the Spanish Parliament last 11 June. It will enter into force on 20 June.

In November 2014, the FSB and the European authorities published the main features of their new loss-absorbing ratios, TLAC and MREL respectively. Despite having the same purpose, both ratios have significant divergences, which imply heterogeneous consequences and penalties when a bank breaches them.

Achieving an effective resolution regime to resolve banks quickly, avoiding disturbances to the financial system, minimizing the use of public funds –thus protecting taxpayers–, and continuing the critical financial services that they provide i…

On 28 November 2014, the EBA released the consultation paper on the criteria for determining the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities for bail-in – the so-called MREL. With the MREL, European authorities will ensure that b…

This month we focus on securitization, contributions to BRRD & SRM, SSM supervicory fees, macroprudential, the EC review of EU regulation and transparency of core capital.

The fragmentation is more worrying in the Eurozone: re-nationalization of financial markets puts at risk the euro