
Banking Structural Reforms

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This month we focus on: the Green Paper on Capital Markets, where do we stand on bank structural reform, Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), the next step on resolution and virtual currencies.

This month we focus on: G20 leaders, time to shift the dial towards growth; TLAC, making bail-in feasible and credible instead of bail-out; restoring confidence in risk-weighted capital ratios; Basel Committee published the final version of the NSFR; European banking structural reform; the ECB published the fourth Single Su…

On July 18th 2014, Philippines President Benigno Aquino III signed into law a landmark Bill allowing foreign banks to acquire 100% stake in domestic Philippine banks besides setting up fully owned banking subsidiaries. Likewise, limits to the n…

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  • Asia

On January 29th, the European Commission (EC) released its proposal on structural reform that would impose new constraints on the structure of European banks. The proposal aims at ensuring the harmonization between the divergent national initia…