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In the week ending by February 16, foreign currency adjusted weekly credit growth decelerated to 0.2% from 0.5% due to consumer credits of public banks and commercial credits of private banks. Total credits’ 13-week annualized trend rose from 27.2% to 27.5% due to carry-over impact of the final weeks of January.

Transferring money or making a payment should be as easy as moving money from one pocket to another, without the hassles and risks of cash. The Colombian authorities and in particular the central bank have been working on a new payment system that promises to be easy, immediate, cheap and 24/7.

Last week the Fed raised the federal funds rate by a quarter of a percentage point. I think they did the right thing, although they face a considerable challenge.

The crisis caused by COVID-19 is showing its first impacts on the banking sector. Our analysis assesses the impact on the sector of seven factors and its trends: monetary policy, digitalization, regulation, economic growth, new entrants, compet…

Nonbank financial intermediation represents a large share of the U.S. financial sector. In times of crisis, it has been supported by the primary banking regulator - the Federal Reserve. In the absence of changes in oversight, this could lead to…

Since 2014, Spain has been growing at rates higher than those of most other European countries. During these years, Spain has recovered the competitiveness lost before the crisis. Inflation, unit labour costs and mark-ups have performed better than in the euro area as a whole, resulting in strong export growth. In 2017, exp…

Monetary policy took centre stage in the recent international crisis – as a weapon against stagnation and deflation, as an instrument for re-establishing financial stability and, in the case of the euro zone, as a crucial tool for combating the financial fragmentation which at one stage threatened the very survival of the e…

We find empirical evidence that the Chinese banking system has benefited from the entry of foreign investors through higher profitability and increased efficiency of the banking system.