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We present a summary and analysis of the most relevant developments and publications in Mexico's financial regulatory landscape.

Our Big Data high frequency indicator to measure household consumption in Colombia shows a decelerating trend, which has become steeper in the second half of the year. Household expenditure moderation has been driven mainly by goods (in contractive territory) but also by services, as expected.

The challenge for commercial banking in Mexico is to evolve in order to quickly and agilely adapt to the continuous transformation of the business ecosystem that nearshoring implies, generating efficiency in the mobilization of resources among …

Lower growth expectations, outbreaks of COVID and high levels of inflation towards the end of 2021 complicated the recovery of banking intermediation. Under the nominal annual growth in December 2021 of both credit and deposits, lies a demand t…

The growth of bank deposits accelerated in July due to higher demand deposits from both individuals and companies. This dynamic could be associated with a relevant growth in formal employment together with a non-generalized slowdown in consumpt…

For the third consecutive month, the contraction in the annual growth rate of current portfolio balances to the non-financial private sector has been milder, which reaffirms that total bank credit is on the way to a recovery, although its magnitude differs across portfolios.

A milder contraction in the annual growth rate of outstanding balances for the second consecutive month provides encouraging signs that the negative impact of the pandemic on banking credit has moved past its worst point and could be on a recovery path.

May could represent a turning point in the dynamics of credit to the NFPS, with a smaller contraction than the one in April and a better performance of the portfolios that comprise it. An improvement in the activity and employment indicators in…

Banco de México reiterated the resilience of the financial system in the face of the adverse shock of the pandemic, as credits granted remain weak (-8.8% YoY in April) and levels of bank deposits remain close to historical highs.

In June, total credit granted to the private sector and total banking deposits slowed down as the tailwind effects associated with the pandemic (e.g. precautory savings, demand of credit lines) slowly fade and gradually leave the spotlight to t…

The net profit of the system in the 1Q'19 was EUR 3.2 Bn. The key factors were weak revenues, cost control, and lower provisions. Deleveraging has continued, although since the end of 2018 there has been a slight upturn in total lending. The NPL ratio continues to fall and profitability has improved compared to 1Q'18.

The net profit of the system in 2018 was €12.4 billion, the highest since 2009. The key factors affecting the results were cost control and lower provisions. The deleveraging of the private sector continues and the level of NPLs maintains its downward trend. Efficiency and profitability improved compared to 2017 levels.