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Iran launched a drone and missile attack on Israel on April 13, retaliating against Israel's airstrike on its consulate in Damascus. Israel's cabinet discussed response options, while US President Biden urged caution and a united diplomatic front. The situation remains complex with potential for strategic errors.

The BBVA Research Big Data Consumption Indicator reported a drop of (-)1.1% MaM in March, with real figures adjusted for seasonality; by components, the greatest slowdown was recorded in the services segment (-2.0%), while the consumption of goods decreased (-)0.1%.

Israel, under U.S. pressure, adjusts Gaza tactics to minimize civilian casualties and aid the return of displaced persons. This shift from intense southern operations aims to balance military goals with ethical standards, highlighting the U.S. …

The UN Security Council passed a resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan, calling for the release of all hostages. With the US abstaining, 14 members applauded the resolution, which aims to alleviate the conflict and humani…

The Israel PM denies the United States request of stopping Rafah’s offensive. The UN wants to alert Israel about the necessity of a ceasefire due to the disastrous humanitary consequences. For its part, the United States abstained from voting a…

Israeli PM Netanyahu rejected President Biden's request to halt a ground assault on Rafah, Gaza's last refugee area, housing over a million displaced individuals. Netanyahu stated the mission to eliminate battalions in Rafah necessitates ground action, emphasizing Israel's resolve to proceed with the operation.

By components, the services segment grew 4.7% MaM, while the consumption of goods grew 3.1% MaM, in real terms, with seasonally adjusted figures

Israel probes an airstrike in Gaza for possibly killing Hamas's deputy military leader amidst ongoing conflict, with Ramadan approaching. The US presidential race heats up as Nikki Haley exits the Republican race and Dean Phillips leaves the De…

Israeli forces and Palestinian fighters are clashing, with Israel conducting airstrikes, including on a building with the Palestinian Islamic National Bank. The US, UN, Egypt, S. Arabia, and Jordan seek a ceasefire, with US VP Kamala Harris adv…

Israel's military plans to withdraw five combat brigades from Gaza, aiming to reinforce for future battles. Recent strikes killed 100, injured 286. Palestinian PM Shtayyeh resigned on Feb 26, 2024, amid tensions over post-war plans for Gaza fol…

Ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict escalates; 29,092 Palestinians killed, 69,028 injured in Gaza since Oct 7. UN Security Council fails to reach consensus in emergency session. Yemen’s Houthi rebels attack US drone, British ship. Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny dies in prison; Biden blames Putin.

By components, spending on services grew 1.5% MaM, while the goods segment registered null variation during the period (0.0%)