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In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

CNBV designates commercial banking institutions of local systemic importance. BIS annual economic report. The origination of mortgage financing from banks fell 18.2% in real terms. Adverse economic effects of the COVID-19 outbreak in the US slo…

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

Highlights: FSB issues report on non-bank financial intermediation. ESMA agrees MoUs for no-deal Brexit, and issues statement on the use of UK data in ESMA’s databases. ECB issues statement on liquidity risk analysis, and results for 2018 stres…

Highlights: ESMA issues statement on the handling of derivative data in a no-deal Brexit. ESRB issues report on macroprudential approaches to deal with NPLs. EBA updates the list of closely correlated currencies for capital requirement purposes. EC issues consultation on market liquidity in forex markets. U.S. Agencies issu…

Highlights: BCBS reviews its Principles for sound liquidity risk management and supervision. IOSCO issues statement on environmental, social and governance disclosure. BIS issues report regarding domestic capital markets. ECB issues principles for effective fallback provisions for euro-denominated cash products. FCA consult…