
Budget implementation

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Public deficit in July 2015 improved by 2,4% of GDP in the annual accumulated, .6pp above the registered last year. The slow rate of the recovery of revenues observed until July requires a tight control of public finances, in order to meet the public deficit reduction target by the end of the year.

The Public deficit raised to 0.7% of GDP in 1Q15. Until April, budget execution set the deficit (exc. local corporations) at around 1.1% of GDP . This improvement was due to both central government and regions. Meanwhile, Social Security registered a lower surplus than the previous year.

The Public deficit (excluding local corporations) stood at 0,8% of GDP in March, one tenth above that registered one year ago. The impairment was due to both central government and Social Security. While the regions adjusted their budget balanc…

The public deficit (excluding local corporations) stood at 0.9% of GDP, 0.1pp below the deficit registered last year. This improvement was due to regions, as both central government and Social Security reported the same balance of the previous…