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The housing sector is in a deceleration phase: low sales, high cancellations, and increased finished inventories. Certainty about VIS subsidies, reduced interest rates, and improved household financial balances will aid recovery, expected to be slow, gradual, and solidified by 2025.

Presenting the construction supply and demand structure with a special section on urban design. In the supply section: GDP, employment, firms, and sector composition. In the demand section: logistics, housing, household composition, demographic trends, housing deficit, among others.

As with the rest of the economy, the construction sector experienced a significant slowdown at the end of 2018. The two main components, Building and Civil Engineering Works, recorded drops in GDP in the third and fourth quarters.

Housing demand is already picking up, thanks to increased household confidence, job creation and lower interest rates. The accumulation of housing inventories stabilised, albeit above the historical average. On the other hand, a gradual acceler…