
Capital Markets Union

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In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

Next week’s Euro Summit is a great opportunity for Member States to move ahead with the strengthening of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), many parts of which still remain to be developed. Prominent among these are completing the Banking Union and defining the future role of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).

The European financial supervision system is undergoing significant changes, stemming from the two major European projects underway - the Banking Union and the Capital Markets Union - and the UK’s exit from the European Union in the wake of the…

On June 8 the European Commission published the Mid Term Review (MTR) Action Plan for a Capital Markets Union. This MTR takes stock of what has already been done and analyses future challenges, as the Brexit. It includes a set of new prioritie…

The European Commission has published a reflection paper on the future of the euro area, the proposals in two steps (up to 2019 and to 2025) on key issues such as banking and capital markets union, centralization of supervision in markets and i…

This month we focus on: Council´s work programme, SRB priorities, SSM supervisory priorities, Maximum Distributable Amount (MDA), Capital Markets Union, Securitisation, European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS), Europe’s financial transactions tax, Other Systemically Important Institutions in Europe y AML and identity verifi…

This month we focus on: regulatory stance from Antalya’s G20 Summit, TLAC requirements, no last-minute surprises, a European framework for covered bonds, the European Deposit Insurance Scheme, Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ILAAP) and transatlantic data flows.

On Sep 30 the European Commission released an Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets Union, after a public consultation last February. This document provides a more detailed roadmap until 2017 and specific proposals in key areas like securit…

This month we focus on: lower capital charges for EU robust securitisation, the proposed IRRBB treatment, Credit Value Adjustments, the MREL guidelines for EU banks, the SREP methodology for supervision, BIS corporate governance principles for …

The European Council today discussed the "Five Presidents Report" on completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union. This milestone towards more integrated Eurozone governance builds on the work initiated in 2012 and outlines the roadmap towar…

This month we focus on: Basel updates progress in Basel III implementation, Europe's Bank Structural Reform, endorsing macroprudential policies, Capital Markets Union, the first six months of European banking supervision, the new resolution tools and liquidity provision and a Digital Single Market strategy for Europe.

This month we focus on: Basel reviews the securitisation prudential framework. Turkish G20 Presidency.TLAC next steps: Quantitative Impact Study (QIS). EBA on Basel III Monitoring Exercise. EBA updates on future EU-wide stress test and Faster payments.