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Highlights: EU Council and Parliament reach deal on ESFS. BCBS issues Basel III monitoring report. EBA updates impact of Basel III reforms, agrees template MoU for no-deal Brexit and issues updated O-SIIs list. ESMA issues several statements for a no-deal Brexit. EMMI consults on recommendations for EONIA.

Highlights: BCBS issues report on the interaction of regulatory instruments, and on crypto-assets. ECB issues statements on euro short-term rate. EU Council and Parliament agree on EMIR revision for CCP supervision. EBA issues clarification on API under PSD2 and report on high earners. FCA issues statements preparing for a …

Highlights: BCBS and IOSCO issue statement on margin requirements. EBA issues guidelines on LGD estimation, recommendation on deposit protection after Brexit and consults on funding plans. EU TEG consults on green bond standards. BOE issues RDL…

Highlights: ESMA issues statement on the handling of derivative data in a no-deal Brexit. ESRB issues report on macroprudential approaches to deal with NPLs. EBA updates the list of closely correlated currencies for capital requirement purposes…

Highlights: BCBS reviews its Principles for sound liquidity risk management and supervision. IOSCO issues statement on environmental, social and governance disclosure. BIS issues report regarding domestic capital markets. ECB issues principles …

Highlights: EBA issues its assessment on consistency of internal models. ECB issues recommendation on dividend policy. ESAs issue a report on sandboxes. EBA issues a report on crypto-assets and its risk dashboard. EC issues communication on STS under CMU. ESMA issues RTS on supervisory cooperation for securitization. FRB co…

The U.S. has embarked in path to ease its financial regulation. The process includes a revision of certain rules by regulators, and also a major legislative change that provides relief for the industry. Overall, these changes seek to make the framework more efficient. But the process should respect global standards to prese…

Highlights: FSB published key priorities for Argentine G20 presidency. BCBS consulted on market risk capital requirements. ECB published SSM supervisory manual. EBA published assessment of the credit risk mitigation framework. ESMA consulted on…

Highlights: EC presented a proposal for Regulation on non-performing loans (NPLs). ECB published supervisory expectations for provisioning NPLs. EC publishes three proposals to develop Capital Markets Union. ESAs publishes report on Big Data. F…