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Today, March 21, marks 30 years since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) entered into force. To mark the occasion, we take stock of the key events and actions that have shaped the international climate agenda.

In 2021, Mexico contributed 1.4% of global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, ranking it in second place in Latin America. Mexico's main emissions in 2021 were carbon dioxide (63.9%), methane (27.7%) and nitrous oxide (5.1%). By sources of origin, the energy and agricultural sectors stand out.

If fully implemented, the better-than-expected outcome of COP28 should represent not negligible progress towards the Paris Agreement goal. However, much more is needed to achieve them.

The constitutional soundness together with the already made change in the energy matrix and the explicit plan in the implementation of green hydrogen leave Uruguay in a highly favorable position to decarbonize its economy, which will increase t…

In recent years, public policies to foster decarbonization have become cornerstones of the political agenda in the US and Europe, with the aim not only of achieving decarbonization but also of ensuring energy security and driving short- and lon…