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Today, March 21, marks 30 years since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) entered into force. To mark the occasion, we take stock of the key events and actions that have shaped the international climate agenda.

The transition to a low-emission economy not only represents an opportunity for the transformation of the Spanish economy and society, but has become a priority on the national agenda. However, a more effective approach will be necessary to achieve the targets set.

This article analyzes the main advances in the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), approved in the US in 2022. With a total budget of 416 billion dollars, it is the largest climate investment in the history of that country.

The analysis of climate targets and policies reveals increasing range and stringency, while also showing the gaps in achieving global net-zero targets.

Just as the law of gravity is not the ultimate cause of plane crashes, neither is lack of finance the root cause of failure to achieve climate targets.

If fully implemented, the better-than-expected outcome of COP28 should represent not negligible progress towards the Paris Agreement goal. However, much more is needed to achieve them.

Climate Change United Nations issues a fresh set of climate warnings: the commitments made under the Paris Agreement are not enough to decarbonize the economy. Simply warning about the risks is not enough.

The earth's temperature records of recent years far exceed the historical baseline averages. It is beyond all doubt that the main reason for the upward trend in global temperatures is the highest level of concentration of carbon in the atmosphe…

The environmental, social and economic impact of climate change highlight the growing concern for developing strategies to combat and mitigate its effects. Households approximately emit 20% of CO2 emissions, but their carbon footprint goes beyo…

Sometimes we are not aware of the importance of the changes we are currently experiencing, either because they are happening too fast or too slow, or because we are just at a tipping point. This is the case with climate change.

This note analyzes the CO2 footprint of households in 10 European economies, adding to direct emissions their indirect ones through input-output analysis and detailing their structure by product. Thus, the analysis makes it possible to describe patterns and relevant factors for climate change mitigation policies.

The development of sustainable finance is gathering pace, driven by a strong appetite from investors and a high level of ambition in climate policies. However, it is not enough for the investment needed for the energy transition, which requires removing the existing obstacles with decisive measures.