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The New Digital Economy (mobile internet and cloud use) has the potential to transform the way in which SMEs combine capital and labor to obtain improvements in productivity levels, so that size could no longer be a limitation under this scenario.

The rise of the New Digital Economy is altering the dynamics of economic growth. Using cloud computing services fosters productivity and innovation by providing flexibility and scalability. It is a shift from owning ICT assets to purchasing ICT services.

In this issue we focus on: The framework for digital regulation in Latin America: How to balance innovation and safety?; Decentralized Applications (DApps): The building blocks of the future Internet; Instant payments; The cloud vs. mainframe c…

In this issue we focus on: Cloud computing in the EU: a fragmented regulatory framework; The impact of technological advances on the labour market ; Digital divide and development: an analysis of asymmetries in Internet use; InsurTech and the d…

Cloud computing is used by most banks, but not commonly for core services, mainly due to risk concerns. Moving core services to the cloud could help banks focus on their primary mission and save money, but it comes with significant challenges. …

Cloud computing and the use of technological resources as a service have brought a revolution to both end consumers and public and private companies. While the market for cloud services entails a contribution to global economic growth, there are regulatory restrictions that hamper its development. Financial regulation…