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The Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) preliminarily determined that there are no conditions of effective competition in the retail e-commerce market (marketplaces) in Mexico, proposing a series of corrective measures in order to restore conditions of effective competition.

On December 16, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed an initiative to reform the Aviation Law that would authorize foreign airlines and parastatals to operate in Mexican territory.

After a meteoric rise to top the list of the world's most valuable firms, the tech giants are coming under increasing pressure. Their great economic clout and the potential negative impact on competition and innovation mean they find themselves…

Information is any kind of data-based inference. Conditional to context, information-sharing within markets can either improve or reduce welfare, and it can either foster or subdue competition. These effects will depend on both the nature of th…

In this issue we will focus on: Digital markets: challenges for competition policy; Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) ): investment in crypto tokens: fad, madness or vision?; Towards a new digital identity: identification systems and digital enviro…

This paper discusses the existence of a relationship between market concentration and the degree of competition in the banking systems. The main finding is that no such link can be found as a general rule.