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The Spanish economy continues to grow, and has even accelerated in recent months. However, it does so with investment flagging, despite the support provided by the steady flow of resources from Europe.

The Spanish economy is faring better than anyone expected a few months ago. And despite high interest rates, held back by a European economy that has been stagnant and amid heightened uncertainty surrounding economic policy. With all this, GDP growth in Spain (2.1%) still looks set to outstrip the overall eurozone (0.7%).

Retaking the path of convergence toward the most advanced economies will require a great deal of success in the investment of the European NGEU funds and in the reforms, and also time, with results that will be measurable in the medium and long…

As is often the case in economics, there are multiple dimensions in which competitiveness can be measured. Some of them are included in the scoreboard of the European Commission's macroeconomic imbalances procedure. The latest available data of…

After the pandemic and the end of the construction of the third pulp mill, the Uruguayan economy faces a couple of years of moderate growth. However, in the long term, recent improvements in the sovereign risk rating reinforce the institutional…

In recent years, public policies to foster decarbonization have become cornerstones of the political agenda in the US and Europe, with the aim not only of achieving decarbonization but also of ensuring energy security and driving short- and long-term economic growth.

Economic progress and welfare depend in the long run on innovation, productivity, and employment. The digital revolution and the energy transition are an opportunity for Spanish society, but also a considerable challenge.

More than a year and a half after the implementation of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), the excitement is turning into disappointment, as there is a perception that the funds are failing to reach households and business…

Competitiveness improved during the pandemic due to lower margins, and again during the recovery due to lower relative wage growth. In practice, this has meant an implicit ‘income pact.’ In addition to reaching an agreement on how this cost-sha…

An incomes pact is necessary, though difficult to implement. It is essential that the Government should broker a wide-ranging social agreement that helps control inflation, protects the most vulnerable and is as inclusive and transparent as pos…

The short answer is everyone. Spain is a large importer of energy goods and commodities. Rising costs for these products results in a greater outflow of funds from our economy to the rest of the world.

Once the labor reform has been approved, the next step will be to evaluate its effects, although mostly they will only be seen in the medium and long term. The authorities must ensure that the fall in temporary employment does not come at the expense of lower growth in job creation.