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Private consumption balance between goods and services changed due to pandemic spending patterns, the subsequent recovery and the current slowdown. In addition, the new momentum of goods consumption since 2024 and the role of government spending are expected to change, again, the composition of household spending.

BBVA Research's big data consumption index for Peru (inflation-adjusted spending with cards and cash withdrawals) slowed down in December to 3.8% (November: 8.9%). In 2022 as a whole, the index registered growth of 8.4% (26.4% in 2021).

Big Data techniques used

In February, BBVA Research's big data consumer index (spending with cards and cash withdrawals) increased 28.0% compared to the same month in the previous year (11.0% YoY January).

Big Data techniques used

In December, spending with cards and cash withdrawals (BBVA Research's big data consumer index) increased 7.0% compared to the same month in 2019 (10.9% compared to December 2020).

Big Data techniques used

Imports have been less affected by COVID-19 than expected. In the first half of the year, the adjustment shifted to goods produced within the country and, to a lesser extent, on purchases from the rest of the world. Similarly, during the recove…

BBVA Research has developed a high-frequency indicator to track consumption in different countries. In Peru, this indicator shows that, after an initial significant contraction in household's purchases when confinement began, a recovery in spending is already visible with information as of July

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  • Peru

Industrial production (IPI) fulfilled its expectatives in January, and mantained the positive interannual trend in its most relevant components. In particular, the behavior of equipment and consumption goods -both durable and non-durable- stood out.