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Presentation held at the seminar at Bilkent University about the use of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for economic analysis.

In March, the Big Data Consumption and Investment Indicators anticipate that domestic demand will have recovered in the first quarter of the year.

The growth of the Colombian economy was exceptionally low in 2023, registering at 0.6%. The primary culprit for this outcome was the steep decline in investment. Concerns extend beyond the short term, as the low investment rates will constrain …

The Colombian economy expanded by 0.6% in 2023. The deceleration accentuated in the second half. Domestic demand contracted by 3.8%, weighed down by a decline in investment and the modest increase in private consumption. The external sector pro…

According to the BBVA Big Data Consumption Tracker, in December, the real annual variation in consumption was 5.1%, moderating compared to November. At the seasonally adjusted level, there was a monthly contraction of 0.6%.

2023 GDP growth concluded at 5.2%, in line with expectation and higher than 3% in 2022. We provide growth and policy outlook of China in 2024.

At this time, talks on the minimum wage increase for the year 2024 have already begun and this decision affects formal workers directly and indirectly all workers, as the minimum wage is fundamental to the country's economy

Presentation for the Conference on Real-Time Data Analysis, Methods, and Applications hosted by Bank of Spain. We apply National accounting principles to obtain real-time, high-frequency Big Data consumption indicators with many applications.

The BBVA Research Big Data Consumption Indicator reported a drop of (-)0.5% MoM in September, with real figures adjusted for seasonality.

In the second quarter of 2023, the colombian GDP grew 0.3% YoY. Domestic demand decelerated sharply, mostly explained by investment, which implied a double-digit drop in total imports. For 2023, BBVA Research maintains the GDP growth forecast a…

In the first quarter of 2023, GDP grew 3.0% YoY and domestic demand fell 0.1% YoY, due to the deterioration of fixed investment and inventory deaccumulation. External demand contributed positively to growth. BBVA Research has a slight upward bias in its GDP growth projection of 0.7% in 2023.

We analyze the distribution of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the consumption of Spanish households, considering spending levels, age, gender, and different types of goods and services. Our approach combines official data, the Input-Output methodology and BBVA data.