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This presentation describes the state of the global decarbonization process, summarizes the impact of GHG emission reduction policies and focuses on Europe and the effect of the complex geopolitical scenario.

2021 brought us the scientific certainty that climate change cannot be explained without human intervention. We can no longer look up as if we were not to blame. Ambitious calls for climate action from governments and multilateral agencies are a sign, but there needs to be a follow-through.

COP26 has now ended and the assessment about what it has achieved is mixed — positive for the commitments obtained, but negative because they are still not enough. The Paris Agreement's goal of limiting the rise in global temperature to 1.5ºC h…

Climate change is gaining prominence in economic forums. At the biannual meeting in Washington of the IMF and the World Bank, climate issues were no longer relegated to the “risk” or “future challenges” sections of conference papers. Also on th…

Policy ambition must be brought up to the same level of ambition that drives pledges, such as those announced at the last Leaders Summit on Climate.

The United Nations Environment Program's Emissions Gap Report 2020 estimates that greenhouse gas emissions will have fallen by between 2% and 12% compared to 2019, but a transitory decline is not enough.