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A boom period in mining investment ended in 2022. Sustained political instability, elevated social unrest and policies being implemented in the sector do not favor investment moving forward, in spite of the country having significant mining resources and relatively low production costs.

The price of copper has registered a significant downward correction so far this year. However, the medium-term supports, due to greater demand for the development of green infrastructure and vehicle reconversion, remain firm.

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  • Peru

We estimate that in 2020 mining production will perform better, giving an important support to GDP growth. We also anticipate that mining investment will exhibit a more moderate increase due to the completion of some projects (mainly copper) al…

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  • Peru

The Peruvian mining sector initiates a new investment cycle, particularly in copper mines, in a context in which metal prices cover production costs and where financing costs are still relatively low. The new investment cycle will give importan…

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  • Peru

Perspectivas de crecimiento; Desafíos demográficos; Energía y recursos escasean.

Consumo de cobre ha seguido el ritmo de crecimiento el PIB mundial en últimos 25 años (población x Ingreso per capita).Pero el mayor dinamismo proviene del mundo en desarrollo por dos factores: ?Mayor consumo de bienes y servicios que usan cobre en esos países (Elect. )Producción de manufacturas (autos, electrónicos) para …