
COVID-19 crisis

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In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In September, total consumption with BBVA cards fell 9.4% YoY in real terms. Most of the categories contracted their average real spending level per transaction, remaining below the pre-pandemic level. Our indicators point to a flattening of economic activity.

In August, total consumption with BBVA cards fell 2.9% YoY in real terms, thus returning to negative ground after July's increase. Most of the items contracted after the good performance they had had last month.

Total consumption with BBVA cards grew 6.5% YoY in July in real terms, reversing the negative performance of June, as did the great majority of categories.

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

In May, total consumption with BBVA cards, in real terms, grew 10.2% YoY. The latest data from our real time indicators show a weakness in the economic recovery process.

Inflation has also hit the remittances-receiving households in Mexico, although they grew 16.5% in US dollars in April, they increased 8.2% in real terms. Something similar happened in March, the flow of remittances in US dollars increased 12.9%, but in real terms they advanced 4.1%.

Chinese authorities not only prioritized economic growth in 2022 but also promulgated a series of stimulus measures in monetary and fiscal perspectives with actions.

In April, total consumption with BBVA cards showed a year-on-year increase of 12.2%. Most items already exceed the average pre-pandemic spending so far in 2022. Although consumption is recovering, it shows a significant slowness that reflects …

In March, total consumption with BBVA cards grew year-on-year in constant pesos by 1.2%, but is still far from reaching pre-pandemic variations. Heterogeneous dynamics are observed due to the comparison base since in the same month in 2021 the…

GDP growth in Spain is revised downwards to 4.1% in 2022 and 3.3% in 2023. The main reasons are the Ukraine's invasion, the sanctions imposed on the Russian economy and the increase in prices, especially energy related, over the last few months.

This paper analyzes how Argentina's productive sectors have been affected by the COVID-19 crisis and how they will evolve towards 2030 in the face of the long-term challenges set at the local and global levels.