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Foreign currency adjusted weekly credit growth has been decelerating since the start of April; and fell from 0.3% to 0% in the week ending by April 9th, due to commercial credits of both public and private banks. Total credits’ 13-week annualized trend fell from 36.5% to 34.3%.

We present a summary and analysis of the most relevant developments and publications in Mexico's financial regulatory landscape.

The Big Data consumption index continued its downward trend and recorded its sixth consecutive decline in August. Over the same period, the Big Data investment index recorded a YoY contraction.

In April 2023, the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector registered real YoY growth of 5.1% (11.6% nominal), while the balance of traditional bank deposits registered real YoY gr…

In order to analyze national tourism flows in Spain and identify possible patterns and changes in preferences due to the pandemic, gravity models have been estimated using data on card spending by BBVA customers outside their usual province of …

Nominal card purchases increased 26% year-on-year in August (29% in July). Both the face-to-face channel (20%) and, above all, the online channel (42%) contributed to the year-on-year slowdown in spending, which was more pronounced in transactions with foreign cards (64%) than Spanish ones (22%).

In June 2022, the nominal balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the NFPS grew 11.1% annually (2.9% real), while traditional bank deposits registered a nominal growth rate of 10.2% (2.1% real), maintaining the growth rate observed in the last two months.

Card purchases increased 34% year-on-year in June (42% in May). Both the face-to-face and online channels contributed to the year-on-year slowdown in spending, which was more pronounced in transactions with foreign cards than Spanish ones.

Card spending increased 41% year-on-year in May (51% in April). Progress was greater in the online channel (69%) than in the face-to-face channel (30%). The end of the state of alarm in May 2021 magnified the year-on-year slowdown in purchases,…

Tourist spending by Spaniards outside their usual province of residence remained 6 pp below 2019 levels in the first three months of 2022. The effect of Easter pushed up consumption in mid-April and the latest data from the May bank holiday poi…

Card purchases increased by 51% year-on-year in April (39% in March). Growth was greater in the online channel (81%) than in the face-to-face channel (40%), and both transactions with Spanish cards and, above all, with foreign cards gained momentum.

Card spending up 39% YoY in March (53% in February). Progress was greater in the online channel (74%) than in the face-to-face channel (25%). The slowdown in growth was more pronounced in face-to-face purchases, especially with foreign cards.