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In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

BBVA Research presented at NBER Fall 2022 in the conference Innovative Data in Household Finance: Opportunities and Challenges.

Big Data techniques used

In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

The fact we can't have everything means we have to face all kinds of dilemmas every day: party or study, beach or mountains, spend today or save for tomorrow. But with COVID-19, the world has not faced a dilemma but a trilemma.

The digital transformation of financial services has opened up the market to new providers: FinTech start-ups and BigTechs. In this article, we explain how policymakers’ mindset should evolve towards a comprehensive response to ensure the fina…

Coronavirus snuck up on us, but it hit us like a tsunami. The speed at which it spreads has highlighted the need for real-time and high-definition data.

Big Data techniques used

After a meteoric rise to top the list of the world's most valuable firms, the tech giants are coming under increasing pressure. Their great economic clout and the potential negative impact on competition and innovation mean they find themselves as the subject of political debate.

Conditional to context, information-sharing within markets can be welfare improver or welfare reducer, while can also show pro-competitive or anti-competitive features. Overall, expected effects in efficiency and competition will depend on the …