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With investments in green technologies, the involvement of financial institutions, public-private partnerships, efficient and well-designed public policies, and a sound and coherent regulatory framework that provides certainty, we can move toward a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Countries that expand their climate policy portfolio exhibit higher climate change mitigation patent filings, low carbon technology trade flows, and green foreign direct investment flows. The coordination and cooperation of international policies is also relevant, showcasing evidence of potential climate policy spillovers.

The intensity of GHG emissions in scope 3 of the sectors of activity of the Spanish economy, estimated by BBVA Research with input-output analysis, generally maintains a downward trend, with notable advances in intensive sectors subject to the …

In 2022, Spain’s greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions increased due to the post-pandemic recovery and a more carbon-intensive energy mix. The sectoral analysis shows progress in emissions intensity, particularly in the most polluting activities, al…

This Working Paper proposes a dynamic equilibrium model to study the transition to a decarbonized economy, the interaction between technology and fiscal policy, and its macroeconomic and well-being effects.

For a successful transition to a decarbonized economy, public policies must be aligned so that the private sector can multiply its positive impact through the incentive of economic profitability.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) painted a bleak picture in its Sixth Synthesis Report on climate change: the window of opportunity to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement is continuing to close.

In recent years, public policies to foster decarbonization have become cornerstones of the political agenda in the US and Europe, with the aim not only of achieving decarbonization but also of ensuring energy security and driving short- and lon…

Sometimes we are not aware of the importance of the changes we are currently experiencing, either because they are happening too fast or too slow, or because we are just at a tipping point. This is the case with climate change.

This presentation analyzes the evolution of GHG emissions in Spain and its main determinants. The Spanish Regions that contribute the most to national activity do not always generate the most emissions. Sectoral structure and mix and balance of…

European Commission proposals to mitigate the impact of electricity price inflation on households disposable income and business costs must consider how they affect security of supply and decarbonization.

The world is now facing the biggest energy crisis of the last 40 years, making it hard to make any meaningful progress on climate legislation in the European Union (EU).