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Draghi's report regarding energy and climate presents a "joint decarbonisation and competitiveness plan”. The challenges are immense, but so are the opportunities.

Estimates of the expenditure needed to decarbonize the economy reach trillions of euros but vary significantly depending on which items are included and under which assumptions.

This article examines the potential of the carbon market in Mexico, focusing on three key instruments: an emissions tax, a voluntary market, and emissions trading systems.

In the face of increasing evidence of the consequences of human-caused climate change, inaction is not an option. Climate mitigation and adaptation policies must be further promoted, including appropriate incentives to finance investment needs …

In the face of unequivocal evidence of climate change, the challenge is to decouple economic development from greenhouse gas emissions with more ambitious policies aimed at achieving a socially just transition by internalizing the costs of emis…

Batteries are a vital component of the global energy system, playing a pivotal role in two key sectors for the transition: transport and energy.

Batteries will be pivotal in steering the global energy system towards a net zero emissions scenario. Meeting targets will hinge on whether the world can scale up batteries fast enough.

This Working Paper contributes to the existing literature by examining the welfare implications of degrowth. We use an environmental Dynamic General Equilibrium (eDGE) model, calibrated to replicate the most relevant macroeconomic and environme…

With investments in green technologies, the involvement of financial institutions, public-private partnerships, efficient and well-designed public policies, and a sound and coherent regulatory framework that provides certainty, we can move towa…

Countries that expand their climate policy portfolio exhibit higher climate change mitigation patent filings, low carbon technology trade flows, and green foreign direct investment flows. The coordination and cooperation of international polici…

The intensity of GHG emissions in scope 3 of the sectors of activity of the Spanish economy, estimated by BBVA Research with input-output analysis, generally maintains a downward trend, with notable advances in intensive sectors subject to the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS).

In 2022, Spain’s greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions increased due to the post-pandemic recovery and a more carbon-intensive energy mix. The sectoral analysis shows progress in emissions intensity, particularly in the most polluting activities, although total improvement is limited. More effective strategies are needed.