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In 2021, Mexico contributed 1.4% of global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, ranking it in second place in Latin America. Mexico's main emissions in 2021 were carbon dioxide (63.9%), methane (27.7%) and nitrous oxide (5.1%). By sources of origin, the energy and agricultural sectors stand out.

On August 10, Coneval published the official measurement of poverty in Mexico, which contemplates the components of social rights together with that of income, and found that in 2022 there were 46.8 million people in a situation of poverty (36.3% of the population) and 9.1 million in extreme poverty (7.1%).

The actual socioeconomic context has reinforced and accelerated a number of global trends, in particular sustainability and digitalization, two of the most disruptive. The empirical study conducted by BBVA Research suggests that an inverted U-s…

In recent days, as a result of the publication of the document "The new economic policy in times of the coronavirus", a debate has erupted in the country about whether economic growth should be an objective of economic policy and an adequate me…

Complacency cannot substitute for policy action in an inclusive agenda