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The percentage of the population that has at least basic digital skills is lower in Spain than in the EMU as a whole and fell between 2015 and 2019. Although it rose in 2020 to 60% (65% of Internet users), it is far of the 80% target established in the 2025 Digital Agenda.

COVID-19 is having serious economic consequences in Spain, in terms of production and employment. Female employment is being affected somewhat more negatively than male employment. This result is conditioned by multiple factors, including the educational level and economic activity of the worker's job.

The study analyzes the most relevant Contact-Free trends that have been reconfiguring our lives, that during the period of confinement and physical distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated, and that will probably retain a strong dyna…

Information is any kind of data-based inference. Conditional to context, information-sharing within markets can either improve or reduce welfare, and it can either foster or subdue competition. These effects will depend on both the nature of th…

There are 29m Internet users in Colombia, however the use of digital banking is still low but growing. There are access gaps between rural and urban and income levels. In businesses, there is a significant gap in the use of ICTs by the size of…

We analyze the likelihood of job automation in a sample of emerging economies: Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Turkey. The average risk of automation ranges between 54% and 64. The countries show similar patterns in different aspects, such as distinctions by gender, age and education levels.

This year's symposium at Jackson Hole focused on the changes to market structures (i.e. competition, concentration... among others) brought by new technologies. Showcasing research insights from leading academics, it centered on the evidence, causes and implications to the economy and future monetary policy.

In this issue we focus on: The framework for digital regulation in Latin America: How to balance innovation and safety?; Decentralized Applications (DApps): The building blocks of the future Internet; Instant payments; The cloud vs. mainframe c…

In this issue we will focus on: Algorithms challenge the banking industry; Does blockchain fit into current legal frameworks?; Turning the spotlight on shadow banking: pros and cons of the darkness and; The Internet of Things and digital banking

El acceso a los datos y su reutilización para la construcción de nuevos servicios son dos de las bases de la economía digital. Desde que en 2010 The Economist publicara su artículo “The data deluge” el término big data ha sido uno de los mantra…

Like all financial services, electronic money presents risks that need to be addressed. National regulatory efforts have followed a myriad of approaches to ensure that customers (i) are effectively protected against loss of their funds in the event of insolvency of the issuer (insolvency risk) and (ii) are able to access th…

In this issue we focus on: Cloud computing in the EU: a fragmented regulatory framework; The impact of technological advances on the labour market ; Digital divide and development: an analysis of asymmetries in Internet use; InsurTech and the disruptive insurance ecosystem; and Virtual Assistants: artificial intelligence at…