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In this publication you will find, on a weekly basis, our selection of the most relevant news regarding financial regulation.

The principle of “same activity, same risk, same regulation” is key to achieve a level playing field for all providers of financial services. This Economic Watch analyses this principle, with a focus on the “same risk” element, and explores proposals on how to put it into practice.

The digital transformation of financial services has opened up the market to new providers: FinTech start-ups and BigTechs. In this article, we explain how policymakers’ mindset should evolve towards a comprehensive response to ensure the fina…

Competition law is under scrutiny and policy makers are leading a lively social debate over the challenges raised by digital markets. Revisions to law and enforcement will likely focus on three goals: reducing risks of under-enforcement; reasse…

Digital transformation has opened the financial services market to new kinds of providers with great disruptive potential, including big technology companies. This article explores how the scope of that integration is conditioned by regulation,…

Digital transformation has opened the financial services market to new kinds of providers with great disruptive potential, including big technology companies. This article explores how the scope of that integration is conditioned by regulation, data access rules and competition policy.