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The Federal Economic Competition Commission (Cofece) preliminarily determined that there are no conditions of effective competition in the retail e-commerce market (marketplaces) in Mexico, proposing a series of corrective measures in order to restore conditions of effective competition.

El desarrollo de plataformas digitales de compra y venta de autos en México es llamativo por su reciente crecimiento y el potencial de su modelo de negocio. Sus políticas de control de calidad y transparencia en los procesos de adquisición, valuación y venta de seminuevos implican ya un incremento en el bienestar social.

After a meteoric rise to top the list of the world's most valuable firms, the tech giants are coming under increasing pressure. Their great economic clout and the potential negative impact on competition and innovation mean they find themselves…

Conditional to context, information-sharing within markets can be welfare improver or welfare reducer, while can also show pro-competitive or anti-competitive features. Overall, expected effects in efficiency and competition will depend on the …

Competition law is under scrutiny and policy makers are leading a lively social debate over the challenges raised by digital markets. Revisions to law and enforcement will likely focus on three goals: reducing risks of under-enforcement; reasse…

In this issue we will focus on: Digital markets: challenges for competition policy; Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) ): investment in crypto tokens: fad, madness or vision?; Towards a new digital identity: identification systems and digital environment; Fintech: implications for regulation and supervision; and Artificial Intel…

A considerable number of economic sectors, such as the content, passenger transport, retailing and short-stay industries, are undergoing a profound transformation as a result of the emergence of new companies that put providers and users of goods and services in direct contact with one another.