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In 2015, 54% of the population had basic or advanced digital skills in Spain, compared to 57% in the EMU. Four years later, the figure reached 57%, one percentage point less than in the wider EMU. From 2019 to 2020, the figure in Spain rose to 60%—still far behind the 80% target set by the 2025 Digital Agenda.

The percentage of the population that has at least basic digital skills is lower in Spain than in the EMU as a whole and fell between 2015 and 2019. Although it rose in 2020 to 60% (65% of Internet users), it is far of the 80% target established in the 2025 Digital Agenda.

One of the digital objectives of the Recovery,Transformation and Resilience Plan funds is to achieve, by 2025, that 80% of the Spanish adult population has basic digital skills. Although a majority of people in our country have Internet access,…