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The announcement of the launch of Libra, the digital currency that Facebook plans to implement, has sparked interest, concern and, above all, great uncertainty about its viability as a business and its financial and social impact.

An analysis of digital adoption trends in Colombian households has been carried out, taking into account the different variables surrounding the use, access and enjoyment of digital technologies.It has also highlighted some shortcomings in Colombia's digital infrastructure.

In talking about the current scenario of online sign-ups for financial products in Spain, we could refer to the lines of the poet Ramón de Campoamor, one of the exponents of Literary Realism: “it all depends on the colour / of the glass through…

The Spanish economy is on a clear expansionary path. Activity and employment are recovering, but low levels of productivity persist, and this depresses competitiveness and long-term growth potential while keeping wages low. And yet this is noth…