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In commemoration of International Earth Day, we present an analysis of the current water situation in Mexico. This analysis highlights the geographical, sectoral, structural, and temporary characteristics that have given rise to the current water crisis in the country.

Benefited by falling prices, especially energy ones, and lower interest rates, the Spanish economy is holding up better than expected. The distribution of regional growth is centered on the touristic regions and/or the ones producing high value-added services, which will lead the growth.

The analysis of how climate-related acute physical events affect the economy must consider their unique aspects: brief duration and specific localization. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are instrumental in this analysis, for which three c…

Andalusia's GDP will grow by 1.5% in 2024 and 2.5% in 2025. This will allow 175 thousand jobs to be created in the two-year period and reduce the unemployment rate to 15.7% in 2025.

The GDP of Castilla-La Mancha will grow by 1.3% in 2024 and will accelerate to 2.7% in 2025. This will allow the creation of 42 thousand jobs in the two-year period and reduce the unemployment rate to 12.2% in 2025.

The surprising outcome of the primary elections left an open end to the October voting and heightened uncertainty, increasing volatility and further worsening expectations for the coming year. We maintain our scenario of recession and high inflation for 2023 and 2024.

The relentless increase in global temperatures combined with heat waves has led to less abundant and more irregular rainfall, more frequent and severe droughts conducive to wildfires, and also more in the way of storms and floods. Not only will it rain less, but fewer and fewer people will be glad to see the rain.