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There are challenges in telecommunications infrastructure and financial education for mobile banking to have a greater influence on the access and use of financial services.

ICTs have become an important tool for our life. The access and use of ICTs at the national level has made progress. In 2020, 75.5% of the population aged six years and over was a cell phone user, which represented an increase of 4 percentage points compared to users in 2015.

We offer a novel methodology combining high frequency card transaction data from BBVA and point-of-sale data from cash operations registered at convenience stores from Frogtek by Clarity AI to study changes in consumption patterns relative to v…

This paper presents econometric evidence on the determinants of domestic and cross-border e-commerce in Spain based on BBVA anonymised data. The paper applies the gravity model of trade to explain online credit card payment flows, using all pri…

We present a high-dimensional Retail Trade Index (RTI) created to publicise the economic performance of the retail sector in Spain, using big data sources and techniques. The data are the footprints of BBVA customers based on their credit or de…

In this issue we focus on: The framework for digital regulation in Latin America: How to balance innovation and safety?; Decentralized Applications (DApps): The building blocks of the future Internet; Instant payments; The cloud vs. mainframe conundrum; Enhancing Economic Empowerment through Financial Inclusion.

In this issue we focus on: The digital transformation of banking; The Indian digital ID programme; Final compromise text of the PSD2; The Payment Systems Regulator; and ICT’s contribution to economic growth.

Major innovations in the financial world are coming directly through non-bank players that were born a few years ago, moving in a digital environment and presenting value propositions that bypass the strict regulation that has traditional banki…

Recommendations for the security of electronic payments

On 24 July 2013, the European Commission presented a Payment Services Directive proposal (PSD2) which updates the current Directive (PSD1) , in force since 2007. It also provides new regulation on interchange fees