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Due to slowing growth and high inflation rates around the world, the World Bank raised concerns about global stagflation. Considering this scenario plus a possible fifth wave of COVID-19, some implications for the population in poverty are analyzed in a press release.

In Spanish, the term “resilience” only really became popular after the 2008 financial crisis, but today it has taken center stage in all economic policy debate.

This Working Paper presents an estimate of the performance of the monthly GDP of the autonomous communities, starting from the beginning of the pandemic, and a range of possible values for their total GDP in 2020.

In June, GDP went down by 18.1% YoY, reflecting the isolation measures implemented since mid-March in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus.

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In the second quarter of 2020, very marked differentiated effects were seen in remittances by region. The states of the Northwest region and the Traditional region presented increases in their flow of remittances, while the Central and South-So…

Although it is difficult to separate the contributions of the different factors shaping the economic and health crisis, public policies and measures are of tremendous importance. A successful exit strategy and achieving the highest possible level of certainty will accelerate the economic recovery.

The estimates made by ECLAC, Coneval and BBVA Research are presented on the effect that the current crisis by Covid-19 can have on the increase in poverty and extreme poverty levels in Mexico in 2020.

Since it became clear that the world and the country would be significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the question often arises as to whether Mexico is going to live a scenario of an inflationary spiral as has occurred in other crises …

Banxico’s measures look to meet three main targets: an orderly function of local fixed income markets, facilitation of banking credit flows and the injection of more liquidity into the Mexican financial system under the current economic context.

Faced with a 0.1% GDP contraction in the second quarter and the possibility of a third-quarter repeat—as raised recently by the Bundesbank—there is speculation that the German government may approve a stimulus package of up to EUR 50 billion (1…

Italia, junto con otros países de la periferia, es uno de los que más ha sufrido la crisis en Europa.

La expansión y la crisis han generado importantes desequilibrios que van a ser una pesada losa durante muchos años en muchos economías europeas