
Economic cycle

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In this Watch, the structural factors that allow us to explain the cyclical behavior of the Spanish economy during 2018 are evaluated, and the impact of the main changes affecting GDP and, in particular, the foreign sector is analyzed.

We develop a supercore inflation measure following the methodology proposed by the ECB that provides an early indication of turning points in underlying inflation. The measure is built for the Eurozone as a whole and for its large economies. Results show that inflation pressures are moderating in the euro area with divergin…

One of the most important public services provided by the State is to insure against risks. Access to education, health care or unemployment benefits means that, during a recession, the most vulnerable households do not reduce their consumption…

Inequality in Spanish household income has increased during the crisis. However, in terms of consumption, inequality decreased. Accordingly, while wealthier families reduced spending by 17.2% between 2007 and 2015, those economically disadvanta…