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Following the financial crisis that led to a European sovereign crisis in 2012, the European Commission developed a roadmap for the creation of the banking union, based on three key pillars: the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) and the Deposit Guarantee Scheme (DGS).

Next week’s Euro Summit is a great opportunity for Member States to move ahead with the strengthening of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), many parts of which still remain to be developed. Prominent among these are completing the Banking Union and defining the future role of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).

The European Commission published a roadmap to ensure agreement on all the outstanding elements of the Banking Union by 2018. The EU Commission warns that the Banking Union must be completed if it is to deliver its full potential as a pillar of…

This month we focus on: Council´s work programme, SRB priorities, SSM supervisory priorities, Maximum Distributable Amount (MDA), Capital Markets Union, Securitisation, European Deposit Insurance Scheme (EDIS), Europe’s financial transactions t…

This month we focus on: China’s G20 presidency, from Basel III to Basel IV, sovereign risk regulation, challenges in resolution, shadow banking , micro- and macro-prudential supervision, ethics, culture & governance, digital regulation, regulat…

This month we focus on: regulatory stance from Antalya’s G20 Summit, TLAC requirements, no last-minute surprises, a European framework for covered bonds, the European Deposit Insurance Scheme, Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ILAAP) and transatlantic data flows.

On 24 November, the European Commission released a legislative proposal outlining the road-map towards common European deposit protection, to be achieved by 2024. The proposal envisages three stages: i) until 2020, a system of reinsurance; ii) progressive mutualisation through a system of co-insurance until 2024, and iii) f…

On 21 Oct the Commission issued a Communication featuring initial measures from the Five Presidents Report. The agreed package will be completed with a legislative proposal for the European Deposit Insurance Scheme before end 2015. This is sign…