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Retail electricity prices are adjusted in response to fluctuations in wholesale markets, shaped by the regulatory policies of each country and, where relevant, consumer willingness to pay a premium to mitigate price volatility.

The reduction in electricity prices in Europe is attributed to the reversal of supply shocks and a decrease in demand. The definitive impact of renewable energies will be delayed until advances in storage systems are achieved, allowing for more effective management of demand peaks.

The electric counterreform and the constitutional reform that seeks to make it viable, are at odds with Mexico's commitments in trade and investment agreements.

Although renewables such as solar and wind power can pose problems with intermittency, dispatching the most expensive and most polluting electricity first is not the answer.

In the first half of 2018, the Mexican economy grew at a lower rate than expected, with the service sector contributing 86.9% of GDP growth, less than the 92.1% observed in 2017. Manufacturing industries recovered in 2017, contributing 11.8% of…

The next federal administration’s energy policy will be a key factor influencing economic growth, the fiscal balance, investment and the transition to an energy model more geared towards renewables.

Hidrocarburos: la producción continuó declinando, pero las mayores inversiones en shale gas debido a los incentivos de precios y acuerdos laborales ofrecidos en Vaca Muerta revertirían la tendencia en el mediano plazo. Electricidad: perspectivas de mayor convergencia entre demanda y oferta con creciente participación de ren…