
Emissions reduction

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Despite high interest rates and geopolitics curbing economic activity, the reduction in coal consumption and the increasing penetration of renewables, CO2 emissions slightly increased in 2023 (0.1%), pushing the World closer to surpassing the 1.5°C warming threshold before 2030.

The environmental, social and economic impact of climate change highlight the growing concern for developing strategies to combat and mitigate its effects. Households approximately emit 20% of CO2 emissions, but their carbon footprint goes beyond that.

This note analyzes the CO2 footprint of households in 10 European economies, adding to direct emissions their indirect ones through input-output analysis and detailing their structure by product. Thus, the analysis makes it possible to describe…

With COP 27 over, the balance of what has been achieved is a bit unsatisfactory: a missed opportunity to make decisive progress on mitigation, adaptation and climate finance, which is not offset by the progress in reparations for climate loss a…