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The electric counterreform and the constitutional reform that seeks to make it viable, are at odds with Mexico's commitments in trade and investment agreements.

The president has turned over to Congress a constitutional reform initiative that seeks to reverse the 2013 energy reform that ended decades of monopoly control of the sector by the State

El pasado jueves 30 de septiembre el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador envió a la Cámara de Diputados una iniciativa de reforma constitucional en materia eléctrica consistente en fortalecer la participación y atribuciones de la Comisión Fe…

Few days ago, because of the Energy Reform, the Mexican government makes bid for a second block of oil fields. The results provide a more complete reading of the process, after allocated only two of the fourteen fields at stake.

Bachelet prometió en la campaña cambios en educación, fiscalidad, energía y productividad.

Mexico’s energy reform will offer abundant opportunities to U.S. and foreign companies across energy and non-energy industries

The energy reform bill could be a turning point in the history of energy in Mexico