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The gas situation in Europe remains favorable thanks to contained demand and stable supply, resulting in gas prices at pre-war levels. We expect no gas shortages in the coming winter, although additional measures will be necessary to have a sustainable gas balance.

The European Union is on track to close 2022 with consumption below previous years and healthy reserves. However, a possible return to normal temperatures, China's economic recovery and, concerns about Russia supply and nuclear generation in France could put pressure on the gas markets in 2023

The increase in EU gas reserves to 94% of capacity together with warmer weather and lower consumption indicates that Europe is in a good position to face the rise in consumption during winter. Factors to be considered are the European Commissio…

All eyes on China's electricity crunch. We analyze the reasons, the authorities' possible actions and economic impact of the recent power shortage.

The measures taken by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and the Tax Administration Service represent discriminatory treatment of private companies with anti-competitive effects.

We conducted a diagnosis of the Colombian electricity sector, identifying the challenges and opportunities that result, thanks to the country's potential and the international context, to promote an energy transition based on Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Sources and mitigate some of the sector's risks.

As news of the vaccine unfolds, and it becomes more evident that the Covid-19 pandemic could be controlled sometime next year, attention will shift back to climate change as one of the most pressing crises of our time. Across the world, the pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is mounting.

Consumer prices increased by 1.13% in June, remaining significantly above both the consensus and our expectation (0.6% vs. 0.45%). Thus, also led by the negative base effects, annual inflation accelerated to 12.62% from 11.39% in May.

We expect headline inflation to post a 0.00% HoH change in the first half of May, thereby increasing to 2.5% YoY from 2.2% in the second half of April. We anticipate a 0.09% HoH core inflation increase (3.60% YoY, unchanged from 3.61% in the pr…

Consumer prices increased by 0.85% in April, higher than both the consensus and our expectation (0.6%). Though, annual inflation continued to decelerate to 10.94% from 11.86% in March on top of favorable base effects led by energy prices. We ex…

Spain’s GDP growth remains strong, although we have seen moderation relative to previous years. While it is always tempting to seek a single culprit, this seems to be rather the combined result of various factors. Some of these are temporary, but others are here to stay.

Hidrocarburos: la producción continuó declinando, pero las mayores inversiones en shale gas debido a los incentivos de precios y acuerdos laborales ofrecidos en Vaca Muerta revertirían la tendencia en el mediano plazo. Electricidad: perspectivas de mayor convergencia entre demanda y oferta con creciente participación de ren…