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Following Law 21/2021 and the Intergenerational Equity Mechanism (IEM), Social Security contributions rose by 0.7 points without generating higher future pensions. Although the reserve fund is growing, the pensions system faces a significant deficit and raises questions about its sustainability and necessary reforms.

The COVID has been a great challenge, forcing to approve unprecedented measures. In Europe, monetary and fiscal stimuli prevented further economic drop but at the same time public accounts were hit. A clear budgetary plan and a suitable fiscal framework will be crucial to guarantee the sustainability of public finances.

EU and China announced the accomplishment of a long-awaited EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (EU-China CAI) on December 30 2020, in a move to open up more investment opportunities between the two economies.

We all know that tragedies are Greek, sagas Scandinavian and comic operas originally Italian, and that we use these expressions to describe political or economic reality when it overtakes us, but in the case of Greece we may have to use another…

Aunque todos los referéndums tienen un componente emocional elevado, no podemos quejarnos de la falta de análisis rigurosos y de debate público que ha generado el referéndum sobre el Brexit. A pocos días del día señalado, sólo queda sacar concl…

The European Council that took place on February 18-19 dealt with two important issues which could shape the evolution of the EU in 2016 and much beyond: the refugee crisis and the agreement between the UK and the EU to be offered at the Brexit referendum.

The three inmediate challenges that EU faces these days reflect essential strategic long-terms challenges for the European project.