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GDP growth forecasts have been revised upwards by 0.4 percentage points for 2024 to reach 2.9%, and by 0.3 pp for 2025 to reach 2.4%. This is due to statistical revisions of historical data, recent developments more favorable than expected, and improved estimates of external and internal demand contributions.

After a weak GDP growth of 0.4% in 2023, activity will grow 3.2% in 2024 due to the recovery of the agricultural sector, hydroelectric power generation and private consumption. Even so, reforms are needed to gain competitiveness and maintain a sustainable growth path.

Javier Milei's government took office aiming to have a less regulated and more market friendly economy with the private sector as the main driver of economic growth. The core of his macroeconomic policy is to achieve fiscal equilibrium and elim…

Activity grew strongly in 4Q23 (0.6% q/q), despite the fall in most investment components. The improvement in activity is entirely attributable to the increase in employment, as productivity fell. All in all, GDP grew by 2.5% in 2023, slightly …

The economy slowed down in 3Q23 (to 0.3% quarter-on-quarter) due to sluggish external demand and despite the good performance of most domestic demand. The advance in activity occurred in a context marked by a marginal increase in both hours wor…

La economía creció el 0,2% t/t mostrando una composición atípica de la demanda en la que las principales partidas cayeron con fuerza y se dio un intenso proceso de sustitución de importaciones. En este contexto, las horas trabajadas disminuyeron (-0,1% t/t) y la productividad por hora aumentó (0,3% t/t).

Uruguay has reduced its trade openness in recent years, which was boosted in 2020 by the irruption of the Covid-19, causing a substantial drop in external demand, which will explain much of the fall in Uruguay's GDP to 4.1% this year.

After Portuguese GDP grew at an average rate of 2 .1% YoY during 2018, BBVA Research forecasts that its growth rate will moderate to around 1.5% in 2019. This scenario is in a context of a slowing global economy, particularly in Europe. Even so…

The balance of payment registered a surplus of 4.267 millions of euros in May, which, on the positive side, was explained by tourism and the lower energetic deficit. The financing account registered a net capital outflow of 35.273 millions of …

The balance of payments registered a 2671 million of euro superavit, which can be explained through the positive balance in tourism and a lower energetic deficit. Good exports recovered dynamism at the start of 2T16, while imports fell back (2,…