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In this working paper we explain the process of the construction of banking union, the most ambitious European project since the single currency. The project was launched in 2012 to send the markets a strong signal of unity in response to financial fragmentation and the risk of the break-up of the euro.

La crisis ha supuesto un incremento de la fragmentación financiera y la constatación de un vínculo entre los riesgos soberano y bancario nacionales

This paper measures fragmentation in four European financial markets and develops a new measure of global fragmentation using these markets as inputs

The fragmentation is more worrying in the Eurozone: re-nationalization of financial markets puts at risk the euro

La unión bancaria es necesaria porque la fragmentación financiera actual es incompatible con el euro.

La fragmentación financiera es incompatible con la UEM. La unión bancaria es una cuestión de supervivencia