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In talking about the current scenario of online sign-ups for financial products in Spain, we could refer to the lines of the poet Ramón de Campoamor, one of the exponents of Literary Realism: “it all depends on the colour / of the glass through which we look”.

Purchasing financial products online is modest in Spain: only 9.8% of Internet users buy some financial product through Internet. Industry challenges in this context are conditioned by (digital) customer confidence, data usage awareness and transparency of information.

Do you access your bank online? If so, you are among the fifteen million users of online banking in Spain, six million more than in 2010.

El número de usuarios de banca electrónica en España aumentó el 64,5% desde 2010 hasta rozar los 15 millones personas en 2016. El objetivo de este Observatorio es conocer los determinantes de que un individuo acceda a la banca digital y arrojar…

In this note, we focus on the determinants of FI for Peruvian households.

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  • Peru